Breadboard Incubation Programme 2020

Let your business ideas take flight.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Breadboard Incubation Programme about?
It is a programme for students to be able to turn their business idea into reality. Instead of merely having a business idea and starting the business overnight, this incubation program is created to help facilitate ideation and proof of business concept, provide you with the right mentors, and bring the potential investors/business partner to you.
What do I need to do to apply?
Fill up the application form - the link can be found on our official website / Facebook page.
Does it cost money to participate in the programme?
A commitment fee of RM500 will be charged which will be FULLY refunded after the participating teams have completed the 2-months program.
Are transportations and meals provided in the programme?
No transportation and meals and will be provided for this programme.
Must I be a Malaysian to apply for this programme?
No, all students are welcomed to join. However each team must consist of at least one Malaysian student.
Can I join as a solo founder without any team member?

No, a team consisting of 2-5 members has to be formed.

Can I submit more than one idea?

You can submit up to 2 ideas but only 1 idea will be selected to proceed.

I find that my idea is not very innovative as there are already similar ones in the market. Can I still apply?

Yes you can. Innovation does not equals invention, and you can always develop your own unique selling points for your business idea.

I do not have a business idea but I am interested to join the program. What should I do?

We will be organizing other programmes / workshops for those who have not developed an idea but is interested in the entrepreneurship route. Stay tuned!

(Or just speak to your friends about that one burning problem that you can’t wait to solve - you might get your inspirations from them!) 

During the 2 months, where will all sessions be conducted?

All sessions would be conducted on weekend in UCSI University, unless informed otherwise. 

How long is the programme? Do I have to attend the programme everyday?

This programme will be for a duration of 2 months (off-academic schedule), with 1 training day and 1 syndication meeting every 2 weeks and 1 mentorship session every week.

Training and syndication meeting will be held on the weekend during day time, and mentorship sessions are scheduled on weekday in the evening. Attendance to all sessions are COMPULSORY in order to complete the programme.

However, if you have an access need related to your team schedule which cannot be overcome, please get in touch with us via email at

When will I know if my team is selected to participate in this programme?

An e-mail will be sent to you within one week after the application closes.

What will happen next after completing the incubation programme?

A demo day will be held by the end of the programme where all teams will be presenting their incubated business ideas to invited panel judges, partners and potential investors. Teams will be selected into acceleration stage based on their performance in the demo day.

When is the Demo Day?

8 Aug 2020.

What can I expect if my team is selected into the Acceleration stage?

Selected teams will be match with 1 to 2 dedicated mentors with the focus on growing and scaling up your business idea for a period of 6-12 months. There will be more funding and investment opportunities made available for the teams.

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